Lorica Segmentata Complete

And there we have it, my completed Lorica Segmentata. There will be a few more shots of it added later on but for now, here is my armour.

Please feel free to comment or email me with any questions.

Lorica Segmentata Continued


Only buckles to add now. Not long and my armour will be complete.

Lorica Segmentata

My latest project – Lorica Segmentata

I am now in the process of making my own Lorica Segmentata armour. Naturally this armour was for Roman Men, however I am making it to fit me. Its steel armour with brass hinges.

At the moment I have cut up all my piece, polished it all and have drilled the holes for riveting.

Here are some pictures of how my work is going

Welcome to my site

Hey! Welcome to my page.

Please feel free to post comments or email me about any of my work.